Writing & Research

Independent Work:

“An Everyday Action Research for Complex Times: A Peacebuilder’s Guide” Action Research Journal special edition on conflict resolution, April 2020.

“Towards an Integral Peace for Ukraine” unpublished work, presented at the Integral Theory Conference (ITC), Sonoma State University, July, 2015.

The Compassionate Listening Project: A Case Study in Citizen Diplomacy and Peacemaking, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlang, 2009.

"Discursive Winds of Change: Applying New Forms of Practice to the Context of Nigeria's Democratic Development" co-authored with Darren Kew in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, Recent Developments in Conflict Resolution and Collaboration, edited by Rachel Fleishman, Rosemary O'Leary and Catherine Gerard, (Volume 29, 2008).

“Pathways to Peace: Revolution vs. Resolution” in Challenges and Paths to Global Justice: Insights from Scholars and Practitioners.  Rich Friman, Ed. Palgrave Mcmillan Press, January 2007.


Select Field-Based Assessment and Research:

“Rapid Education and Risk Analysis (RERA): Cox’s Bazar” (Lead team member for the field research and drafting of this report, published by USAID Bangladesh, Oct. 2018)

“Burundi Youth Support Assessment” (Field work and report for USAID Burundi designed to assist Mission to better understand the relative effectiveness of different youth focused peacebuilding and violence prevention activities, 2018.)

“Conflict Sensitivity/Do No Harm Assessment: Contexts in Eastern Congo” (Co-lead on Do No Harm Assessment conducted in the Eastern Congo region of the DRC for a USAID funded peacebuilding project, 2017). 

“Youth for Peacebuilding Activity Evaluation” for USAID Burundi, 2016. (Led field work for qualitative data collection, and co-authored final report for this mixed methods final activity evaluation conducted with NORC at the University of Chicago.

“Organized Crime, Violent Conflict and Fragile Situations: Assessing Relationships through a Review of USAID Programs” publication produced for review by USAID, 2015. Prepared by Phyllis Dininio, Management Systems International (MSI) (Conducted field work co-authored one of three case studies—on Nigeria—that contributed to this report.)

“Nigeria Conflict Assessment 2010”  (USAID Conflict Management and Mitigation (CMM) team member that piloted the USAID Conflict Assessment Framework 2.0 to conduct the assessment and to produce this report) 

Pace, Marie, with Ketty Luzincourt. A Brief Background to Conflict in Haiti. Cambridge, MA: CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, 2010.

Pace, Marie, with Ketty Luzincourt. Haiti’s Fragile Peace: A Case Study of the Cumulative Impacts of Peace Practice. Cambridge, MA: CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, 2009.

Selfie with school children in Cox’s Bazar, 2018